Prophylaxis 4.0 – gentler, more pleasant and more effective!
KU64 is one of the first practices in Germany to introduce the groundbreaking, innovative prophylaxis system “Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT)”. The advanced prophylaxis treatment offers more protection in the oral cavity.
What is the essence of this?
For you as a patient, the new KU64 prophylaxis will be gentler, more pleasant and more effective. Until now, professional cleaning involved a lot of scratching and polishing to smooth the smokey surface back to some extent. Both the Airscaler ultrasound and the hand instruments leave anything but a smooth tooth surface and a lot of substance is removed. Our new PZR is no longer about scraping off a lot, but about cleaning and disinfection as gently as possible, also called biofilm management. This is why a new powder is now used in airflow. This powder is a 4-valued sugar alcohol and is erythritol. It is related to xylitol but better. Better because in addition to the mechanical cleaning effect it also has a chemical effect on the germs that have not been removed, e.g. in root cement. It inhibits the metabolism of these germs and thus renders them largely harmless. With this great technique, we remove the entire disease-causing biofilm in our mouths.
Prophylaxis 4.0 – gentler, more pleasant and more effective!
KU64 is one of the first practices in Germany to introduce the groundbreaking, innovative prophylaxis system “Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT)”. The advanced prophylaxis treatment offers more protection in the oral cavity.
What is the essence of this?
For you as a patient, the new KU64 prophylaxis will be gentler, more pleasant and more effective. Until now, professional cleaning involved a lot of scratching and polishing to smooth the smokey surface back to some extent. Both the Airscaler ultrasound and the hand instruments leave anything but a smooth tooth surface and a lot of substance is removed. Our new PZR is no longer about scraping off a lot, but about cleaning and disinfection as gently as possible, also called biofilm management. This is why a new powder is now used in airflow. This powder is a 4-valued sugar alcohol and is erythritol. It is related to xylitol but better. Better because in addition to the mechanical cleaning effect it also has a chemical effect on the germs that have not been removed, e.g. in root cement. It inhibits the metabolism of these germs and thus renders them largely harmless. With this great technique, we remove the entire disease-causing biofilm in our mouths.
This has a fundmental effect on the course of the new prophylaxis:
·” Explaining Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT)” concept
• Teeth and gums are stained with the agent called “total mouth desinfection”. This is done so that our highly effective therapy can be used in a targeted manner, according to the motto: “the enemy – i.e. bacteria and pads – is first unmasked and made visible.” Side effect: we show you where you have cleaned optimally and where not, so that you can improve your oral hygiene
• Gum and tongue cleaning with Erythritol Plus powder from EMS (renowned quality brand in dentistry from Switzerland). The water is heated for the first time with this airflow device in such a way that you can feel it
• Continue to clean bags and remove tartar with ems’s new piezon no pain ultrasound with fine PS approaches.
Together we agree on a new recall date so that we can ensure a long-term improvement of your oral hygiene
By the way:
As one of the first dental practices in Berlin, KU64 now offers the perioSafe quick test so that we can detect undetected periodontal inflammation before tissue degradation in the tooth-holding apparatus and possibly tooth loss occurs.
KU64 prophylaxis – what are the benefits?
* it is gentle, pleasant and thorough and does not hurt
* protects against tooth decay and periodontitis
* WITH THE GBT technology and the staining method of EMS, precise work is done and not scratched unnecessarily with sharp instruments
* the dentist can carry out the control more precisely and faster, because no tartar or pads block his vision
* Dentures (fillings, crowns, inlays and even veneers) last longer
What does Dr. Stephan Ziegler, KU64 owner and dentist, say about the introduction of the new prophylaxis system?
Effective weapon in use against dangerous bacteria
Over the course of life, people of different ages repeatedly complain of toothache or bleeding gums. “Often patients ignore these first warning signs with fatal consequences,” says Dr. Stephan Ziegler, senior dentist and founder of the KU64 dental practice in Berlin, and warns: “From the age of 35, the risk of developing periodontitis, i.e. toothbed inflammation, increases, which in the worst case ends with tooth loss and damages organs.” However, a novel prophylaxis system, the so-called Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT), provides effective protection in the fight against harmful germs.
Vulnerability gum edge
Mostly caused by poor hygiene, microorganisms multiply extremely quickly in the oral cavity. Hidden in hard-to-reach tooth spaces, on the tongue or under loose-fitting prostheses, they lurk on food, which they then use. In this process, also called metabolic activity, the microorganisms excrete acids, which the tooth hard substance literally goes to the substance. Particularly sensitive to the resulting bacterial carpet, also called plaque, the gum edge reacts with inflammation. Patients often do not notice this creeping and largely painless process, which is linked to typical symptoms such as bleeding gums. “Perfect conditions for inflammatory pathogens that enter the organism via the weakened tissue and even increase the risk of heart attack and stroke,” explains Dr Ziegler.
Suffocate germs in the beginning
If doctors detect a bacterial infection, they resort to conventional methods such as professional dental cleaning (PZR) with sharp polishing pastes, ultrasound or, in more serious cases, even the curitdays, i.e. a superficial removal of the germs by a sharp spoon. “With conventional polishing, many problem areas are not reached and the gingiva, i.e. the gums, is unnecessarily injured. Often this type of traditional cleaning is very unpleasant for patients, sometimes even painful, so that follow-up appointments are not available,” says Dr. Ziegler. In advanced periodontitis with deep gum pockets, the doctor scrapes off the microorganisms in it with a fine instrument. However, this also leads to a removal of the important tooth cement. However, this outer layer of tissue between the tooth and gums forms an important protective function. If these are missing, bacteria penetrate faster. “In addition, both procedures, as well as cleaning with conventional ultrasonic devices, leave a rough surface. Dangerous pathogens find ideal shelters here and continue to multiply,” emphasizes KU64 expert.
Prophylaxis not equal to prophylaxis
To stop uncontrolled bacterial growth, experts use an advanced technology of the well-known powder jet technology, also called air flow. Dr. Ziegler from KU64 from Berlin is one of the first users in Germany and explains the new principle: “In the first step, the biofilm, i.e. the bacterial carpet, is made visible in the oral cavity with a colour solution. Subsequently, the novel powder-water-air mixture of erythritol removes existing pathogens. Unlike its predecessor xylitol, this sugar exchange substance has improved properties. On the one hand, it increases the mechanical cleaning effect, which is individually adjusted to the respective mouth situation by means of fine or coarser-grained radiation. On the other hand, it disinfects and inhibits the metabolism of remaining bacterial strains in the tooth cement. This perfect combination polishes the tooth surface 8 times more effectively, reducing treatment time to just 45 minutes. Even the skin of a tomato remains unaffected by the gentle procedure. Another advantage: The temperature-controlled water jet of 40 degrees now feels pleasant for patients.” Regular check-ups using the new GBT maintain dental health and prevent disease.
Our prophylaxis assistants will be happy to advise you on our new and further developed prophylaxis! You can make appointments on 030-8647320!
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