in Berlin



The reasons why a tooth needs to be replaced are manifold, as is the way the dentures can look. Dental implants are the highest quality dentures in dentistry because they serve as a long-term replacement of a single tooth or several teeth. For example, a single tooth gap can be closed with a “own” tooth. There is no need to sand healthy neighbouring teeth for a bridge and the natural chewing comfort is completely preserved. Implants are thus an optimal solution for a better quality of life without gaps in teeth for all patients.

The implantology of the practice KU64 in Berlin Charlottenburg guarantees results at the highest level and the durability of all dental implantsthanks to the latest technology and procedures as well as excellently trained specialists (a team of highly qualified maxillofacial surgeons and implantologists).

Implants also usefully supplement existing dentures or can ensure that a prosthesis is firmly in the mouth. Often it is even possible to dispense with a classic “bite” due to a so-called pillar propagation – the palate remains free of materials such as plastic or metal, the teeth are firmly seated and thus allow safe chewing, biting and smiling.

Thanks to state-of-the-art procedures in oral surgery, almost every patient is now given the opportunity to anchor implants firmly in the bone. Therefore, if there is not enough bone, a build-up under anesthesia is necessary. The setup can be done in different variants and with different methods:

  • with the body’s own bones
  • with so-called bone replacement materials

If there is not enough space in the area of the maxillary sinus, it is possible to gently raise the maxillary sinus base by means of a so-called sinus lift (targeted bone structure). Experienced dentists and specially trained oral surgeons or implantologists will be happy to advise you on your individual dental situation in our practice. An overall planning for dental implants, from the materials used to the structure of bones, is usually carried out jointly by the treating dentist and the implantologist. KU64’s in-house dental laboratory is also already included in the planning.

In particularly extensive cases, we also offer patients in our practice the possibility of a 3-D X-ray image to ensure that surrounding anatomical structures such as neighboring teeth, maxillary sinus and nerves can be included in the planning. Your advantage lies in the direct cooperation of all specialists under one roof, right here in our dental practice in Berlin, so that you do not have to visit additional doctors during the planning of your dental implants.

Your well-being during longer surgeries is also taken care of. For the care in our practice in Berlin, a separate operating room is just as natural as the possibility of a twilight sleep or a general anaesthetic during your operating room. The well-being of our anxiety patients is of particular concern to us: we take into account your individual needs and take care to make the time before, during and after the operation as pleasant as possible in our practice.


  • A dental implant looks and works like a separate tooth.
  • Implants allow a much stronger bite than prostheses and in many cases facilitate chewing.
  • Professional dental implants keep the pronunciation unchanged or are improved or restored compared to other dentures.
  • Implants, unlike many bridges and prostheses, prevent the jawbone from reforming further.
  • The neighbouring teeth remain intact due to the setting of implants.
  • An implant cannot get tooth decay.
  • Artificial tooth roots (implants) can also stabilize a removable prosthesis or carry a firmly anchored bridge.


Almost all dental implants are now made of titanium, as the bone grows best on this material. Titanium is well researched, long-term stable and absolutely biocompatible. Our implants come from well-known manufacturers and are additionally provided with a so-called bioactive surface, which additionally accelerates the healing. Away from titanium, there are various other materials such as zircon. Zircon is a ceramic material with a particularly high biocompatibility that is primarily used for dentures. These ceramic implants look very natural.


Implantation should be followed as gently as possible by the removal of the tooth. Prerequisite: Teeth, gums and periodont – in short: the whole “drum” – must be put in order. There is no point in putting an expensive implant if, for example, gum inflammation or lack of prophylaxis jeopardize long-term success. These things should therefore be checked before implant treatment.

The stronger the bone, the more trouble-free the implant holds in the patient’s mouth.
Often, minor bone deficits, e.g. a very thin jawbone, must be compensated by attachment of own bones or bone replacements in the run-up to treatment with implants.

This is the lifting of the maxillary sinus floor (lift) to create an artificial cavity above the jawbone. This cavity is filled with bone or bone replacement material and ossifies in about 4 months. This method gives the implants in the upper jaw (sinus lifts are used exclusively in the upper jaw) the required strength.

This means that a special bone structure takes place before the actual implantation. In this context, the term “sinus lift” is often mentioned.

In order to insert the implant after successful bone structure, the gums in the area provided for the implant are carefully detached from the jaw. Subsequently, a recess that fits exactly to the shape of the implant is drilled into the jaw in several steps. There, the implant is then turned in. Finally, the gums are tightly closed and the implant can heal undisturbed.

Apart from a feeling of soreness, the pain after implantation should in most cases be suppressed with light painkillers. Depending on the extent of the procedure, mild to pronounced swelling and bruising are possible in the first postoperative week. In the following period, the implant grows and connects to the jawbone (osseointegration). This procedure takes about 8 weeks in the lower jaw, about 12 weeks in the upper jaw – here there are individual differences from patient to patient.

In a third step, the implant is uncovered again and the dentist places the replacement for the tooth on the artificial tooth root. These can be individual crowns made of ceramics, bridges or prostheses. In some cases, the individual implants are connected to a web, after which the prosthesis is then set.

For optimal use of dental implants, we recommend pre-implantation diagnostics with our partners Dr. Löffler and Dr. Egorov. Pre-implantation diagnostics are the determination of immunological (inflammatory), osteological (bony) and genetic risks that may jeopardize long-term implantation success. Modern preventive medicine offers the possibility to recognize risk patients via differentiated diagnostics and to treat them with individual therapy concepts.


Can the body develop allergies to titanium dental implants?

Titanium has no allergenic components and behaves neutrally in the body. This allows it to be ideal for implants.

Who are implants suitable for?

For treatment with implants, bone growth should be completed (at about 18 years of age). You’re never too old for an implantation!

Is implantation outpatient?

Yes, the procedure is performed on an outpatient basis under local anaesthetic. The simultaneous use of several dental implants is also possible!

Do health insurance companies cover the cost of treatment?

Normally, the costs of treatment are not covered by the health insurance funds. However, there may be the possibility of receiving a subsidy, the so-called fixed grant. In rare cases, a health insurance company can still cover the costs, for example in the case of special diseases that require an implant.

How long does the treatment take?

Treatment usually includes 5 appointments. In total, it takes about eight to twelve weeks for the implants to heal in the bone. This is followed by the uncovering. 14 days later we can make the imprint for our laboratory as well as the color determination. A further ten days later, the “coronation” finally takes place. In summary, the dentures take about 4-6 months.

How long does the healing phase of dental implants take: for weeks without teeth?

No, removable dentures are extended and sanded out, in some cases a travel prosthesis is made. In addition, there are long-term temporary arrangements.

Is the syringe sufficient as ananaesthetic?

Yes, implantation is an operation that requires local anesthesia. Vibration and pressure are possible, but no pain! If you prefer to “sleep” this, no problem: on Wednesdays we have the possibility of treatment under general anaesthetic. Preliminary discussions on this will take place on Mondays from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the anaesthetist.

What other options for anaesthesia are there?

In addition to the local anaesthetic, general anaesthesia or the so-called sedation (also areaed as a twilight impact) can also be used. During sedation, the patient is placed in a sleep-like state in which he perceives his surroundings only to a limited extent. In contrast to anaesthesia, the patient is responsive all the time during sedation, he does not need to be artificially ventilated and wakes up much faster.

Dental implants for diabetics?

Yes, diabetics can also receive implants, but must be well adjusted beforehand. Patients with diabetes should consult their GP.

Are dental implants beadous at the airport?

No, implants are not magnetic. If it is still beeping, please present your implant passport.

How do dental implants feel?

Give yourself and your teeth a little time after implantation. The tooth no longer has nerves and feels different. You will feel that while talking, eating and laughing. Getting used to an implant can take up to 6 months.

Are there pacemaker problems?

No, there is no electromagnetic effect for implants.

Is there a sick leave?

Probably for a short time. Work is possible again relatively quickly.

Are there any problems with medication?

There can be interactions! Cortisone, for example, can alter the body’s metabolism and immune situation, and blood thinners may need to be temporarily discontinued.

Are there any risks associated with implantation?

An implantation is a small operation. Injuries to nerves and vessels are possible, so this procedure is performed by an experienced oral surgeon. In addition, 3D X-rays (DVT) can largely exclude risks. Rejection reactions in dental implants are also rather rare.

Do you get pain?

They have a feeling of wound and can suppress any discomfort in most cases with light painkillers. In the first postoperative week, swelling is possible. However, they need not be afraid of severe pain after implant treatment.

Bleaching before implantation?

Yes. In any case, you should first bleach the natural teeth and then determine the new tooth color! This ensures that the implant is visually indistinguishable from the other teeth afterwards.

Sport after implantation?

In the first days after the implants are inserted, patients should avoid heavy physical exertion!

How much do dental implants cost?

The cost of implants varies. In a first consultation we discuss your wish for a dental implant. Depending on the effort of the implantation, i.e. depending on the number of desired or necessary dental implants, the price for the treatment is then composed. You will not incur any costs for creating a cost plan.

Dental care after implantation?

Brush your teeth as usual, use rinsing solutions! You usually don’t have to worry about your implant. Titanium and ceramic implants are very stable.

What is an immediate implantation?

Immediate implantation is a type of tooth implantation in which an artificial tooth root is inserted immediately after the removal of the natural tooth.

What are the alternatives to dental implant?

An alternative to dental implantation is root canal treatment (e.g. root tip resection). In this case, however, the patient must live with a natural but dead tooth in the mouth. However, root tip resection is only a time gain, as a dead tooth cannot remain in the mouth in the long term and therefore an implantation treatment is inevitable. Root management is therefore more of a transitional solution.



Please make an appointment with one of our experienced implantologists at our location in Berlin Charlottenburg:

  • Oral, maxillofacial and maxillofacial surgeon, expert in oral surgery and implantology Dr. Dr. med. Dent. Thorsten Wegner
  • Implantology and periodontology specialist Pablo Gonzalez

Our three implantology experts provide you with all the information about implantology at KU64 and our high-quality dental implants. Our doctors will also be happy to answer any questions you may have about this type of dental treatment and your individual implant wish. Benefit from the many years of experience of our specialists in the field of aesthetic dentistry as well as the versatile possibilities and quality of modern oral surgery.

Numerous reviews and recommendations on Jameda and other platforms speak for our service. We put implants that last a lifetime. KU64 Implants Berlin – maximum safety and reliability.

For example, send us an e-mail to, call us directly on 030 – 864 73 20 in our practice at Kurfürstendamm in Berlin or visit us on Facebook. You can also make appointments directly in our Berlin practice.

The dentists of KU64 are looking forward to seeing you! Of course, your implantology advice does not involve any costs. Implants Berlin – always on the safe side with KU64.

By the way: Since 2014our dentist, surgeon and implantologist Thilo Damaskos is a member of “Leading Implant Centers” – as one of the few in all of Berlin!