honour & Awards
KU64 – the (multiple) award-winning dental practice
Since the founding of KU64 in 2005, the dental practice has received several awards and been inundated with prizes in a wide variety of categories – of course we are very pleased about this. And we take this as an incentive to always develop for the benefit of our patients.
Here you will find a selection of our awards from the (dental) medical field:
one of 3 finalists “Dentepreneur of the Year” in the course of the congress Everything but Teeth
Quality seal “Leading Implant Centers” – KU64-Implantologie at the highest level in Germany
Prevention award “Initiative for a healthy future in Germany” for our pediatric dentist Erny Grundmann. An initiative of the Federal Dental Association (BZÄK) and the dental company CP Gaba (Hamburg)
Here you will find a selection of our awards in the fields of innovation, services, architecture & design:
+award für vorbildliche Praxiskultur, -Kommunikation und soziale Verantwortung
Designpreis des Bundes Deutscher Architekten (BDA) für die Kinderabteilung von KU64 und die GRAFT-Architekten in der Kategorie HERAUSRAGENDE GESUNDHEITSBAUTEN
Top20-Award 2013 in der Kategorie BEAUTY & HEALTH
Designerpreis für die Kinderabteilung HEINZE ArchitektenAWARD in der Kategorie “Bauten im Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen”
ARCHIP AWARD in der Kategorie Public Interior/Innovation